Long Live General Kabaka Oba: The People's General

Friday, February 03, 2006

Thomas Jefferson tries to CANCEL my T.V. show

Bottom line is, if you like my show or just support the idea of free speech (even if harsh and radical) it's time for you to put pen to paper and tell the "powers that be" at Norwood Community Television to NOT punk out to a couple of little bitch-ass nobodies who really have a personal vendetta against me.

Norwood was already shaken when Ken Lawson, Coon at Law, tried to threaten us with baseless legal jargon this past fall.

Now that Thomas Jefferson, his black concubine-slave (Sally Hemmings), and a few other coward crackers have went on a personal witch hunt of my show and my other affairs Norwood is potentially cowering.

Let's talk names if you haven't figured it out: Thomas Jefferson calls himself some sort of "Dean:" "The Dean of Cincinnati." But in fact, the Thomas Jefferson impersonator's name is Jason Haap. Haap poses as a liberal savior to blacks; particularly because he houses a black concubine in his home (HE calls this thing a "wife." Bear in mind, Thomas Jefferson also called Sally Hemmings a wife when they were behind closed doors).
So these types ALWAYS think they can tell other black folks what to think, write, do, and say.

More on this bitch later. If he wants war, so be it. He is a white COCK roach that keeps following me every where I go. I've been ignoring it. But now it is time to squash that beast.

N-e-way, What I need for YOU, the people, to do is

Write Now. Call Now. ...and I mean blow up the phone lines!!!
Norwood Community Television
Pace Telecommunications Center
P.O. Box 12366
Norwood, OH 45212

Or you can contact them at 513-396-7509.
Call mostly this number and fill up the voice mailbox: 396-5573 ext 10.