Long Live General Kabaka Oba: The People's General

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Aaaaaw... Is NATE, the Little COON mad?

I'm doing the following back-and forth response for fun and to finish this bitch off (NATE LIVINGSTON)*. Please don't take my responses as a way of validating him. The best way to drive the attention starved crazy is to NOT give them validity of too much a response. (as in the case with "Thomas Jerfferson" and his personal "Sallie Hemmings" over at the beAcoon blog.) I do it because Payback is a mutha, as written in an entry titled similarily here at JRs blog.

Don't got a lot of time but here it goes
Nate said in an entry at his blog about Oba:
He is nearly 50, no education, doesn't own anything, too dumb to save money (couldn't make bail), adult sons in jail, has a small child from a one night stand, proves that you don't always get wiser as you get older. To be nearly 50 and never have accomplished anything is beyond sad.

The little coon, Nate, is mid thirties and has accomplished absolutely nothing! He tells the public that he is a student...a law student, isn't it? Nate has not even finished undergrad there at UC. Nate has not even been accepted into the law program at U.C. Yet he continues telling people he is studying to be a lawyer. He has always wanted to be Fanon Rucker (and other legitimate juris doctrate bretheren) which is why he works to destroy Fanon every time Fanon attempts political gain. The likes of Fanon merely laugh at Nate and consider him gum on the bottom of their shoes. A couple of times, Nate almost had to get that ass whooped just for crossing the line. But in other words, Nate is like a nuisance to local, Black successful attornies (and sometimes you swat or set traps for rodents) ...not a threat.

The People's General Kabaka Oba has a young child, yes. (Not by the pyscho She-man X Nicole "Nikki X" Davis": Not child rearin' or matronly material there)
Here's the thing about Oba: He pays for this young child and participates in his life as well as his elder children. "One night stand child"? Not so. But even if, this child is well loved and taken care of and not by the taxpayer. Just ask those children's mothers.

Now, "children" make stupid choices when they're grown and from under their parent's nest even after having been reared "properly. "

The contrast is: Nate, who IS making horrible choices that I'm sure his jackleg preacher daddy Nate Sr. and his dead mama would not have approved of. I'm sure Nate's nice mama wouldn't have dreamed that the week she died--before she was even funeralized and six ft under--this fool would choose to assault people outside of some black event where he and his white 'baby moma' got they asses whooped. (Remeber the famouse hi-heel shoe incident, folks? The little coon has the scars to prove it.)

On a side note, FYIs about the folks Nate currently speaks so poorly of:

  • "Ralph Cramden/Michael Bailey" was there to save Nate from more blood and scars. Oba stepped between the little coon and the women who were royally beatin' Nate's ass!!!
  • "The 50 year old loser" came to Nate's mother's funeral to support him.
  • "The punk" saved Nate's ass from further getting whooped by that cop Orlando Smith that picked up & slamed Nate like a bitch down at a Findly Market protest.
  • This same Kabaka Oba (the correct name for him) has also sacrificed many times to personaly testify on Nate's behalf in the court system.
  • "The whore" was concerned enough that she contacted Kabaka the day she heard that the little coon's mother died. She just wanted to know how Nate was doing even despite her differences with him at that time. Like I stated, didn't know that within the next two days he'd be picketing and back to attacking me on the now defunct "CJC message board."

    #2 Nate also has an out of wedlock kid under the age of three, and he is NOT providing the services he needs to that child nor the other three children he claims. Ask those mothers. Don't make me have to go and find the links to the newspaper clippings.

    Oba's kid in jail? Nate's oldest out-of-wedlock daughter was in a mental institution. This happened after That child's mother gave over custody to the daddy of the year. Not only did Nate keep picketing when his own mammy's blood hadn't yet gotten cold, he kept picketing and leaving this child neglected while under his "care" and at the time choosing that same white woman (whom he later got pregnant) over staying home and looking into the troubled teen youth. I HAVEN'T EVEN DROPPED IT ON YOU READERS WHY THE CHILD WAS REMOVED FROM NATE'S "care" and why she wants nothing to do with Nate now: The reasons are beyond the "negligence" charges. And if the boy don't shut his mouth...well, I can't be held responsible for what others around me have been wanting to share publicly.

    LET ME BE REAL CLEAR: THIS IS A REFLECTION ON NATE aand not his daughter. It is mean to say these things publicly, but it is downright wicked to lie about shit like molestation in a person's family (WHICH NATE HAS DONE MANY TIMES ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY) ...and we'll get to that in an entirely separate entry.

    J.R. messing with a 50 year old "daddy?" Nate messing with dykes, whites, and other low lifes...ai-ght? Don't make me have to tell ya'll those funny sagas.
More importantly, I can tell you who isn't being called "daddy"--at least not by their eldest child-- Nate Livingston. Nate should be ashamed FOR THE REASONS WHY...

Oba uneducated? Just know that Taft H.S. and UC carry the transcripts for him. Oba in fact finished 3rd in his class with honors; same class as elitest coon-white-woman-marrying Judge Wm Mallory. (Mallory finished 1st in the class).
Oba didn't finish his bachelor's at UC in the 80s. He did, however, come out with an Associate of Arts. He did well while he was there and left quite a mark on the Afrk Studies division in that era. The people are still around that will tell you such.

Oba's impact on the community? Folks came up with quarter of a million dollars in property and money to get him out of jail because these NON-RELATIVES believed in his innocence and the upstanding walk he attempts to live personally and "actively" for the people. Folks don't do that shit for just anybody. God Bless "The Community" who cared and came to our aid.

When Nate went to jail, the community did nothing. (In times past folks did rise to the occassion, but he burnt the shit out of so many people that when those opportunities presented themselves to again help the little coon out, those same folks and others were like, "yeah, right!")

Say what, muthf*caaaaaaaaaaaahhhh...!!!

*Isn't Nate Livingston already finished, you ask? Yes, in the real world of political and social credibility. Yes, He already IS a laughing stock. But I have fun squashing him down in the blogesphere as this is where, along with working for Kenny Coon-at-law, this coon attempts to yeild a "valid" presence. The blogesphere is where many freaks, criminals, outcasts, and losers pose as legitimate people with a purpose; A hideout and a solace losers like Nate find in it. As stated before, I'll stop when it's no longer funny to me. It's over when I say it's over!