Long Live General Kabaka Oba: The People's General

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Jezebel Killa Unmasked: Nicole Davis as Nikki X

There it is in all it's masuline glory pictured top above.
Pictured without the covered up "uniformed" dark glasses (directly above) to mask
the deep-sat-back, big-ball eyes. This is so you will NOT know who THE JEZEBEL really is in your grumbling disgust as you pass "her" in the streets when un-surrounded by "her" newfound family, The Beatty Bunch.
HAWK WAY BACK, like that little cracker taught Rose Dewitt-Bukater to do in the movie.
The image above, when seen in person, will cause sheer disgust:
A Killa, stray B I T C H Roaming the streets free ...
and without a flea collar.
"Profiles in courage" of this stray BITCH --now recent heir to the Beatty bbq KKKlan-- to follow.