Long Live General Kabaka Oba: The People's General

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Jezebel Killa: Like prophecy

An offensive charicature at right unfortunately
is a perfect representation of our General's killer,
Nicole Davis, who calls itself Nikki X.
Like the Jezebel pictured here, it sells itself for a
scrap of burnt bbq thrown out back of the COONshaq
Junebugs restaurant like a typical evil, bitter, scorned

naturally do. That coon is "waitin fo you" for little of nothing.

In the Hebrew Bible
In the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel is the name of a Queen of Israel, whose story is told in 1 Kings. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess, the daughter of King Ithobaal I of Tyre, who married King Ahab. In the Books of Kings she is blamed for turning Ahab away from the true God, and towards the worship of her god, Baal. The queen is also blamed for introducing Israel to its tyrannical government. It is also believed that she and Ahab tried to begin a revolution in Israel.
She is accused of killing the prophets of the Lord, and Elijah charges her with abominations. After Ahab's death she continued to rule through her son Ahaziah, and then when he was killed in battle, Joram, her other son. When he was killed by Jehu, Jezebel was also killed, having been thrown out of her window, and her body was eaten by dogs in fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy.

Sooooooo, Every Minista's, Rabbi's, Moreh's, etcetera's FAVORITE BIBLICAL EXAMPLE OF WORSE THAN A WHORE got the shovel & dug her own grave right?

We are witnessing the same thing here. It will go down in history books! Within this conspiracy network killing of our great, bold General Oba there is at least one jester - like unto Jezebel - that I no longer have to deal with publicly: For the world watched and IS WATCHING the hole get dug deeper & deeper around her. Joy Rolland-Oba doesn't have to assist the Jezebel Killa in ANY WAY.

Did I mention the ending of Jezebel's story (as it is found Biblicaly) is one of my most favorite?